Elizabeth Hoksbergen tells her story of having Dyslexia/Ross Sounds-Off!

Ross Peterson of Sound-Off and his little girl joined us in the studio this morning after the 7:30 news to chat about the Iowa Hawkeye vs. Illinois football game this Saturday.  Pre-game is 9AM, game time is 11AM and Sound-Off around 3:30PM.  Here's Ross's take on the game....

Elizabeth Hoksbergen of Decoding Dyslexia joined us in the studio this morning after the 8:30 news. Elizabeth has Dyslexia and she talks about the struggles she has had since she was a little girl.  If you know someone with Dyslexia or you wonder if someone in your life has Dyslexia, sign-up for the Decoding Dyslexia Conference coming up on October 27th and 28th.  They have nationally renowned Dyslexia speakers coming in for this conference.  It is already 70% filled, so if you wish to attend, go to www.ddiaevents.org and get signed up.  The Conference will be at the FFA Enrichment Center on the DMACC Campus in Ankeny.  Hear Elizabeth's personal story here....

Remember to save the date of October 20th, 5-9AM, for Van & Bonnie's Pork-A-Palooza!!!

Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, it's FRIDAY!  That means the Friday Morning News Quiz!  Plus, Simon Conway joins us to talk about a huge BBQ for Puppy Jake Foundation, and Katie McCoid talks to us about a Passport to Prosperity event!  

If you want rain, I hope you get it....if you don't, here's hoping you don't!


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