Iowa's Grassley reacts to Manafort indictment

(WASHINGTON D.C.)  U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley's reacting to the news of former Trump campaign manager  Paul Manfort's indictment, saying it's important to let the legal system run its course. 

The Iowa Republican also says it's good to see the Justice Department enforcing the Foreign Agents Registration Act.   

I’ve been raising concerns about lackluster enforcement of this foreign influence disclosure law for years now, regardless of administration or political party. It should be enforced fairly and consistently, regardless of politics or any other factor. The dirty little secret is that lots of people across the political spectrum in Washington have skirted their FARA registration obligations for years with little to no accountability.  I’ve been working on legislation to improve the Justice Department’s enforcement of FARA, and expect to introduce it very soon.“The Judiciary Committee is continuing its work to ensure that the Justice Department and FBI are functioning free from inappropriate influence, consistent with our constitutional oversight responsibility,” Grassley said.

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