Nebraska Primary Winners Look To November

Nebraska's three congressional incumbents advance from the Nebraska Statewide Primary Election.

District Two Republican Congressman Don Bacon will again face Democrat Tony Vargas in November with Bacon winning 61 percent of the vote to challenger Dan Frei's 38 percent on Tuesday.

Vargas was unopposed on Tuesday.

District One Republican Congressman Mike Flood wins the primary and will take on Democrat Carol Blood in the November general election.

Blood was unopposed in Tuesday's primary.

District Three Republican Congressman Adrian Smith won Tuesday's primary and has advanced to the November general election to face Democrat winner Daniel Ebers.

Nebraska's two U.S. Senators are advancing to the November general election.

Senator Deb Fischer won the Republican primary for a six -year term and is seeking her third term in office.

Legal Marijuana Now candidate Kerry Eddy wins the nomination over Kenneth Peterson with 68 percent of the vote.

Senator Pete Ricketts, who was appointed in 2022, is seeking to fill the remaining two years of the term of former Senator Ben Sasse, who resigned to become president of the University of Florida.

Ricketts will face Democrat Preston Love Junior in November.

Love was unopposed on Tuesday.

In the Race for the White House, Donald Trump and Joe Biden rack up big wins in the Nebraska Presidential Primary.

Election results are at the Nebraska Secretary of State's Office website:

Results are also at the Douglas County Election Commission website:

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